User interface item list
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    User interface item list

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    Article summary

    Select the itemListRecommendation option under Algorithm > Choose Recommendation Method .

    • Choose Recommendation Method: Selection of the recommendation logic. Select the itemListRecommendation option to use the item list.

    • Special fields: The special fields change depending on the recommendation logic.

      • excluded_answers: Exclusion of answers from the matrix. Answers selected here are no longer included in the matrix.

      • Table

        • Parameter: Addition of the user inputs (Number Input Fields) for the calculation.

        • Operator: Specify the calculation method multiplication (*) or addition (+).

        • Question: Selection of questions for the calculation of the components.

        • Answer: To prevent a parts list from being calculated for all product variants, you can make a setting under Answer. It specifies that the parameter or the quantity specification only applies to this one answer.

      • Custom post processor code: Input of an individual calculation logic. Alternatively, use the Rules feature (see related article).

    💡If itemListRecommendation is selected, the options Number of Recommendations shown, Number of Recommendations returned and show_user_inputs are not available.

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