User interface algorithm
Open the area by clicking on Algorithm.
The section Algorithm enables the following settings:
Type of recommendation logic
Type of recommendation service
Setting the number of recommendations displayed and loaded on the result page
Exclusion of answers from the matrix
Configuration Rules
Configuration AI
The following section explains the functions of the tab Algorithm Settings. Information on the functions of the Rules tab can be found in the related articles (AI will follow shortly).
The Post Processor tab allows you to store your own code for calculations (on request).
Algorithm Settings
Choose Recommendation Method: Selection of the recommendation logic.
matrixRecommendation: Use of the matrix or a combination of matrix and filters.
filterRecommendation: Use of filters.
Rules: Use of rules for calculations.
Choose Recommendation Service Version: Selection of the technical recommendation service. Available on request.
Number of Recommendations shown: Maximum number of recommendations shown on the result page.
Special fields:
exclude_answers: Selecting answers in this field means that the matrix values of these answers are not included in the recommendation. Field only appears if matrixRecommendation is selected.
Number Recommendations returned: Maximum number of recommendations loaded on the result page.
show_user_inputs: Selection of answers that appear on the result page using the User Input result page feature (see related article).