Set recommendation logic
In the workbench, open the section Algorithm > Algorithm Settings.
Click on Choose Recommendation Method and select the desired logic.
matrixRecommendation: Enables the setting of specific values between 0 and 1 per product and per answer. The recommendation is therefore weighted. This means that the higher the final value of a product, the better it meets user requirements. Better matching products appear further forward on the result page. A combination of matrix and filters is also possible.
filterRecommendation: Filters work according to the principle of either/or logic: like a kitchen sieve, they gradually filter out unsuitable products with every question answered. On the result page, the recommendations that fulfill all of the user's criteria remain.
Rules: Configuration of simple and complex calculations of all types as well as dynamic text elements, also in combination with filters and matrix. Please refer to the chapter on the rules.
itemListRecommendation: Setting for the use of item lists. This shows the required quantity of products in list form.