Configure matrix
Open the section Matrix of the workbench.
For each answer option, check whether calculation should take place with a specific product. Enter the desired values by which each product should be offset.
Example: Configuration of cars
In our application example, we first need to determine the number of sports seats and sports tires for one recommendation unit. In our example, one recommendation unit is a car.
For a recommendation unit with the vehicle equipment sport we need 2x sport seats and 4x sport tires. The row with the answer sport, therefore receives a 2 in the column for sports tires and sport seats.
Select recommendation method
Open the section Algorithm.
Under Choose Recommendation Method, select the itemListRecommendation option.
Fill in algorithm table
Enter a table row for each calculation-relevant question.
Under Parameters, select the desired Number Input Fields from the questionnaire.
Define the operator.
In the Questions column, select the relevant question whose values are to be offset against the parameter in the matrix.
Optional: The Answer input is relevant if a question is used more frequently for a calculation but relates to a different parameter or is to be calculated with a different operator. For example, answer A should be multiplied by the parameter X and answer B should be added to the same parameter. Now we have to differentiate between the two calculations by selecting the corresponding answer in the case.
Example: Configuration of cars
Applied to the example, the completed table for a recommendation unit with the sport vehicle configuration looks as follows:
In this example, the parameter is the user input in the Number Input Field. Here, users define how many recommendation units (in this case: number of sports vehicles) they require.
Since the ratio between the equipment of the recommendation unit and the recommendation unit itself must always remain the same, we choose multiplication as the operator for each question.
We then define in the Question column from which question the answers to be offset originate.
You can see the detailed structure of the logic in the following dropdown.
🔎Example: Item list logic for sports equipment
Open the matrix.
Enter the matrix values. Example: Every vehicle with sports equipment requires 2x sports seats and 4x sports tires. These values are added to the matrix.
Open the Algorithm. Here we configure the item list table for the calculation of the entered number of vehicles with the car parts.
Under Choose Recommendation Method, select the itemListRecommendation option.
Configure the table with the appropriate parameters, operators, questions and answers as follows:
Case study: A user of the vehicle selector enters the following information in the questionnaire.
The platform compares the input from the questionnaire with the information from the matrix.
Let's take a look at the total vehicle equipment:
🧮 This results in the following calculation: 2 sports vehicles x 4 sports tires = 8 sports tires
The car body, engine and seats are calculated according to the same scheme.
Result page: