Change visibility of result page filters
You can display result page filters depending on certain answers from the questionnaire and entries in other result page filters. The result page filter is then only visible if the user either selects one or more answers in the questionnaire or activates certain options of other result page filters on the result page.
Set visibility depending on answers in the questionnaire
Open the Filter section of the workbench and navigate to the desired result page filter.
Click on Manage next to Answer-Conditions.
Select one or more answers in the pop-up.
💡If several answers are selected, these are AND-linked. This means that the result page filter only appears on the result page when the user selects all questionnaire answers that are configured here.
Confirm your selection with Accept.
Set visibility depending on entries in result page filters
Open the Filter section of the workbench and navigate to the desired result page filter.
Click on Manage next to Attribute-Condition.
Select one or more answers in the pop-up.
💡If several answers are selected, these are AND-linked. This means that the result page filter only appears when the user selects all the options configured here.
Confirm your selection with Accept.