Error messages & troubleshooting
The advanced editor supports you during configuration with various notes and warnings. These are displayed in red in the workspace below the inserted elements if the configuration is incorrect or incomplete.
1. Error messages
If the configuration is incorrect, two different messages may appear.
1.1 Unknown variable
You will see this error if you use the get or get-of elements to search for variables that do not exist on the system side. In the example above, the variable Colors does not yet exist and must first be generated by the platform.
There are two ways to create a variable:
Use get together with the loop element. Enter any name after for each. The platform then automatically creates a new variable (in the example below, the name of the variable is variable-name).
Enter any name after set-to. The platform then automatically creates a new variable (in the example below, the name of the variable is amount.)
In both cases, it is irrelevant whether you create the variable within the rule or in a different rule of the same selector. It is only important that the variable exists when you refer to it with get or get-of.
1.2 This type of node cannot be used here
If you try to link elements that cannot be combined with each other, you will see this error. By hovering over the info icon, you can see which specific element the platform is expecting.
2. Warnings
There is only one type of warning, namely Required.
Required shows you which element you need to insert next so that the previous element is complete. Required is therefore a warning that the configuration is still incomplete.
In this example, is-selected requires the Select an answer element. You can therefore not use is-selected in isolation.
Troubleshooting: Determining incorrectly configured rules
If the selector does not load after adding a new rule, the configuration is most likely incorrect. This allows you to check which rule is causing the error:
Open the selector.
Right-click on the faulty page to open the developer tool (Investigate).
Open the Network tab.
Reload the page and click on an answer (i.e. try to go to the next page in the questionnaire).
Click on the red filterValues error message in the Network tab.
Open the Preview tab and click on the arrow next to data. A section with the element name opens. The name of the incorrectly configured rule is shown here (example: Berechnung Version).